
$113 million, 2-year, S.F. schools cut asked

$113 million, 2-year, S.F. schools cut asked

Quote from SF Chronicle...

"What would be cut at schools

San Francisco Superintendent Carlos Garcia, above, presented a plan to cut $113 million from the district's budget over the next two years. Here are some proposed trims:
$11.5 million: A freeze on teacher and other employee pay increases tied to experience
$9 million: Unpaid district-wide furloughs
$8 million: K-3 class size increases

$7 million: Cuts to staff development days
$6.4 million: Cuts to unrestricted general fund expenditures
$4.3 million: Cuts to school programs for underserved students
$4 million: Cuts to STAR/Dream School funding for struggling schools
$2.6 million: Cuts to central office spending related to categorical programs
$1.4 million: Cuts to arts and music block grant
$1.2 million: Cuts to P.E. teacher incentive program
$1 million: Safety, violence prevention cuts"

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/01/26/MN2E1BNVD8.DTL#ixzz0eGhNsyYd

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